“The heyday of exurbs may well be behind us,”
Yale economist Robert J. Shiller.
Robert Shiller, co-creator of the Standard & Poor's Home Price Index, is perhaps best known for identifying the risks of a U.S. housing bubble before it actually burst in 2006.
An End to America's Exurbia? For First Time Urban Growth Outpaces Outer Suburbs
The Washington Post
Thursday, April 5, 2012
"The heyday of exurbs may well be behind us," Yale University economist Robert Shiller said. Shiller, co-creator of the Standard & Poor's Home Price Index, is perhaps best known for identifying the risks of a U.S. housing bubble before it actually burst in 2006.
Across the nation residential exurbs that sprouted on the edge of metropolitan areas are seeing their growth fizzle, according to new 2011 U.S. Census estimates. Gas prices discourage long commutes. Young singles prefer city apartments. Two years after the recession technically ended, and despite some signs of economic recovery, there's a reversal of urbanites' decades-long exodus to roomy homes in distant towns.
Census Breaks the News We Already Knew: The Exurbs Are History
DC Streets Blog
Monday, April 9, 2012
The New York Times and USA Today report Census numbers confirm the death of outer ring suburbs, or exurbs. The latest numbers, show a major shift away from settlement patterns of 2000-2010. Census data show stalled growth in distant suburbs that developed at breakneck pace during the housing boom, fueled by overzealous marketing and easy mortgages.
Why Young Americans Are Driving Less Than Their Parents
Atlantic Cities
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Smaller houses, shorter commutes, fewer cars. That is what younger people prefer today. Recent research shows 62% of people between the ages of 18 and 29 prefer communities with a mix of single family homes, condos and apartments, nearby retail shops, restaurants, cafes and bars, as well as workplaces, libraries, and schools served by public transportation.
Off the Road: 8 Reasons Why We’re Driving Less
Time Magazine
Friday, April 13, 2012
As car sales and prices increase Americans are driving less. Why? Gas prices, traffic, the shift to urban living, and public transportation. Sprawl has stalled as populations have grown fastest in and around cities. A significant number of consumers have already changed their behavior due to rising gas prices. It’s in or near the big cities that rentals and jobs are easiest to find, and where the cost of living—and need to fill up the car—remains lower.
The True Cost of Unwalkable Streets: Your Health
Atlantic Cities
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
The link between diabetes & urban planning? Engineering walking & bicycling out of our communities. As obesity and diabetes rates rise developers, urban planners, and experts on environmental health take note. In America today we have designed communities where getting around by foot or bicycle the most dangerous and least attractive option.
Car-centric Neighborhoods Linked to Childhood Obesity, Finger-Wagging
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
It should come as no surprise that children who live in neighborhoods that aren’t walkable, lack playgrounds, and are full of fast food joints are twice as likely to be obese as kids in pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods with access to healthy foods.
A new study, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, compared neighborhoods in Seattle and San Diego. Conclusion: Kids are slimmer in areas where they can walk around, play outside, and eat stuff that doesn’t come from a drive-thru.
U.S. Urban Population Is Up...But What Does 'Urban' Really Mean?
Atlantic Cities
Monday, March 26, 2012
According to new numbers just released from the U.S. Census Bureau, America has grown more urban. But we're not just talking about cities here. The new figures represent the population in "urban areas," which the Census Bureau defines as "densely developed residential, commercial and other nonresidential areas."
Smaller Homes Urban Lifestyles Attract Buyers
Housing Wire
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
According to a new report by the Urban Land Institute, smaller homes closer to urban areas may be the next wave of new construction, as post-bubble buyers seek smaller mortgage payments and shortened commutes.
How Sprawl Jacks Up the Cost of Affordable Housing
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
A new study by the nonprofit Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) shows housing built far from public transit, schools, and jobs can deplete income as residents drive long distances, using more gas at greater expense. Some state governments have begun funding projects built close to public transit with amenities and infrastructure -- like grocery stores, schools, and jobs -- nearby. This way residents don't have to travel long distances to meet basic needs.
The Hidden Tax on Exurban Living
Next American City
Tuesday, February 22, 2012
Are transportation costs equal to or greater than property taxes? How can these considerations impact the activity of home buyers? A comparison between a close-in suburb and a farther out exurb in the Cleveland, OH area show interesting results. The anticipated savings in property taxes is eclipsed by the substantial increase in transportation costs -- including car payment, insurance, gas, maintenance and depreciation. The results indicate a possbility of commensurate shift in buyer preferences and housing development patterns.
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